
Achieve ambitious goals.


Jeff helps business and technology leaders to change how their organization operates, changes that are bigger than what the staff can handle while still doing their day jobs. Changes driven by technology, competition, growth or new leadership.

He focuses on serving fast growing, technology-enabled organizations. His work across more than a dozen industries gives him a unique perspective and enables him to focus quickly on the most important factors.


He serves clients in three ways: 

  • Management Consulting: where problems are assessed, solutions recommended and, if needed, Jeff oversees implementation of changes.

    The right client for Jeff is sophisticated enough to understands the value of retaining an outside partner to help develop the right strategy, oversee its implementation and mentor the people he works with to deliver at a higher level than they were before.

  • Executive Coaching: where Jeff works one-on-one with a leader or high-potential professional.  Also, where Jeff uplevels key project staff during a consulting engagement to amplify their performance and career advancement.

    The ideal client for Jeff is a leader in a challenging situation or feeling stuck, unable to make the progress they once achieved.  Younger professionals work with Jeff to grow confidently into the next stage of their career. See more coaching examples

  • Interim Leadership: where Jeff drives operation of a new solution from the inside while a permanent resource is hired.

    The ideal client is a medium-sized organization that has recently lost a critical resource or has added a new function that requires leadership.  


“Without Jeff’s expertise and know-how, we would not have been able to deliver on the ambitious goals we had set for ourselves.”